Support Resources

Help our allies and their families

Thousands of Afghans are struggling to secure their own safety as the Taliban resumes control over the government. They need our assistance. As the situation worsens and safety deteriorates for those targeted by the Taliban, the Georgetown University Student Veterans Association calls on you to aid us in helping this vulnerable group in their time of need.

We will update this page with additional resources as the situation continues to unfold.

Looking to aid an Afghan ally still in-country?

Contact your representative to check on their pending case at: or

Provide the following information concerning the person seeking a visa to their office:
-Passport Number
-SIV Case Number
-Date of Birth

If the ally has a case number with the Department of State you can:

  1. Call NVCSIV at (603)-334-0828
    1. Provide their Full Name, Case Number, and Date of Birth
    2. The can provide you details on the case, it’s status, and what can be done to fix issues in the case – which you can communicate back to your Afghan Colleagues. (The amount of typos and red tape the DoS guys have put down is egregious)
  2. Call your representative and ask for a congressional inquiry on behalf of these Afghans. You will need to provide Name, Passport No or Case No, and Date of birth.
  3. Contact a legal office to help clear up any issues that may be confusing for them (like what does I-360 Conditional Approval actually mean? Can you bring newborns? What if the Consular mispelled your name?)
    1. to find offices near you.
  4. IF THEY ARE IN KABUL: Fill out a repatriation request. At this time, there is no orderly process and my Congressional contacts have said many are filling out these requests regardless of citizenship status to get processed at HKIA.

If the ally does not have a case number…

Application for P2 Status

The P2 program is available to those who are unable to file for an SIV. The following criteria are listed below:

  • Afghans who do not meet the minimum time-in-service for a SIV but who work or worked as employees of contractors, [1] locally-employed staff, interpreters/translators for the U.S. Government, United States Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A), International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), or Resolute Support;
  • Afghans who work or worked for a U.S. government-funded program or project in Afghanistan supported through a U.S. government grant or cooperative agreement1;
  • Afghans who are or were employed in Afghanistan by a U.S.-based media organization or non-governmental organization.

If you believe you know an Afghan who falls into this category, you can further assist them by creating a Supervisor memo overviewing your relationship with the Afghan during your service. to help them attain an SIV. The following memo should be

· Full Name of SIV Candidate: [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME]

· Date of Birth: XX-X-XXXX

· Passport Number: P XXXXXXX

· Badge Number N/A

· Job Title/Location; [AFGHAN’S JOB]

· Start Date of Supervisory Period: [DATE]

· End Date of Supervisory Period: [DATE]

· Supervisor’s Name: [YOU]

· Supervisor Title: [YOUR POSITION]

· Work Email Address) [WORK EMAIL]

· Personal Email Address: [PERSONAL EMAIL]

· Supervisor’s Citizenship: United States of America

· Phone [PHONE]

Please provide a synopsis of your working relationship and your recommendation for approval in your supervisor memo.

and look something like this:

To whom it may concern,

This letter of recommendation is written on behalf of Dr. [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME] (hereafter [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME]) for the purposes of aiding his application for a Special Immigration Visa. Please reference the Appendices below for further identification information.

I had the pleasure of working with [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME] from [DATES]. [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME] was assigned to me as [POSITION], during which time he served with extraordinary distinction. [GLOWING PRAISE] I can say with all confidence, that were it not for [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME]’s outstanding [THINGS THEY DID]. For purely professional purposes, I highly recommend Abdul [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME] for the SIV Program.

I would like, however, to testify to [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME]’s excellence in character. He was well known for his exceedingly energetic and positive demeanor. His collaborative and innovative nature allowed him to see and extract the best efforts in everyone. Simply put, people wanted to work with him, regardless of culture or creed. [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME] served as a dual-ambassador; advocating on behalf of [UNIT OR ORGANIZATION] to local nationals and simultaneously demonstrating the best facets of his culture to the Americans. Few people I know have such natural aptitude for cultural adaptation as [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME]. Throughout my tenure, he proved to be remarkably selfless and loyal to the cause of spreading peace and democracy to Afghanistan. Given this, it is quite inconceivable that he could constitute a threat to the United States.

In recent weeks, [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME] has contacted me from within his home in [PLACE IN AFG]. He and his family have been in hiding, not leaving the walls of their home, for fear of reprisal for having worked so closely with [THE US]. He has received several death threats, of both open and direct nature. I have long kept in touch with him, and the abrupt change in safety climate greatly concerns me. I am convinced his well-being, and the well-being of his family is greatly at stake, especially considering his location within the volatile [PLACE IN AFG] Province. Given his exemplary service to the United States, this must be rectified.

As such, I not only heartily endorse, but plead that [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME] and his family be considered for the Special Immigration Visa. He is an asset to United States interests that is in critical danger of being lost, simply because of his wish to develop his people and attend to the greater goal of spreading democracy to his people.

Should you need any additional information about [YOUR AFGHAN’S NAME], feel free to contact me.

Can I donate money to help with newly arriving Afghan Refugees?

Yes – GUSVA is working with the Veterans of Foreign War Post 9274 in Falls Church, VA. Sr. Vice President Dalton Dwinell announced the start of a donation drive for the current and inbought Afghan Refugees in the Northern Virginia area. The funds and supply donations will be collected at the post and distributed to local NGOs who are providing the resources these individuals require.

GoFundMe – VFW 9274 – Afghan Refugee Drive for NOVA

I’d like to help bring supplies.

That is great – as we get situated on campus, we will work with the Military and Veteran Resource Center (the new Veterans Office) to collect supplies. We’re hoping to partner with additional groups on campus to centralize the university’s efforts. If you think you’ll be able to provide hands on support please use our sign up page. We’ll be reaching out for help transferring items we collected at Georgetown to bring to VFW Post 9274.